It’s prompt day for Writer In Motion!

Which means it’s time to get all my ducks in a row. For the first two seasons of the project I challenged myself to create an image blend aesthetic to pair with the story. But lately I’ve been working so many weird hours that it’s time to add a new challenge into the mix.

Time to get up and move!

For the third season of Writer In Motion, here’s a breakdown of my goals:

  • Create a short story from the prompt and blog about my process for five weeks.
  • Blend images together to create a project aesthetic, adding one new ‘layer’ each week to view the process.
  • Start the Couch to 5K challenge.
  • Do a blogilates 1-month challenge.

I’ve been more sedentary than normal lately between client work, revisions, project planning, and life in general. Some days I’m better with low impact and other days I have the energy to get up and go. Mostly with everyone home all the time now it’s getting tougher to have those few minutes of reprieve every day, so I’m taking them back.

Starting August 1st I’ll be working out every day to the C25K training regime and stretching out my limbs with blogilates. Today is the first day of training, and I’m super excited to run again and I’m really, REALLY excited to see what Jeni pulls out of the bag this year. Let’s take a peek shall we?

Three. Hours. Later.

The prompt is finally live… and my brain bluescreened!

Photo by Rahul Pandit on Unsplash

Okay, so I’m not kidding when I say my brain bluescreened. Usually I have a few kernels of a story idea in my head, and then I can start picking out elements I like in an image, but the moment I saw the image, every thought scattered.

Which is great! It means I get to look closer at the photo, pick out colors and textures, or focus on some of the gorgeous conflict in this image. So for the rest of the weekend I’ll be:

  • Digging around this image with Photoshop
  • Browsing my usual stomping grounds for ideas to add to my Pinterest board
  • Eating all the tacos and thinking about characters

And off we go! Keep an eye out next weekend when a new short story draft will go live on this blog. Can’t wait to see what I dig out of my brain this time.

Cheers and happy writing!

K.J. Harrowick

Adult Fantasy & Science Fiction Writer. Dragon Lover. Creator of #13Winterviews. #RewriteItClub Co-Host. Red Beer + Black & Blue Burger = ❤️

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