Good morning everyone!

It’s been a couple weeks since my last blog post, but life got a little crazy. I’ve moved, which was pure chaos in itself. It consisted of dump runs, donations, lots of rain, and of course two small children running circles around everyone as we load heavy furniture onto an open-air trailer and make run after run after run. After the first day, I was in so much pain I could barely walk. Actually, I was like that for about a week as hubby and I coordinated move runs between the two houses, work schedules, and trying to keep the kids need for some normalcy in mind.

I speak of normal as if it’s a real thing in my family. I digress…

But the move is done, and our lives are slowly returning to its regular chaos. The kids love it because they’ve never lived in a house with stairs, and my three-year-old has discovered the art of throwing cereal onto the steps one flake at a time. The dogs are in love. They have a huge backyard now with tons of trees and hedges, and a lot of squirrels to chase. And hubby’s excited that he’s only ten minutes from work and can ride his motorcycle year round now without the heavy rains or highway congestion.

As for me, I wake at 5am every morning to a quiet house, birds chirping, and a view of the trees that’s to die for. We’re still in the city, but the neighborhood is crafted to make each home feel like its own private mountain cabin oasis. There’s still a lot of unpacking, client work, and the yard is overgrown in all the garden beds. Yesterday I spent hours digging out blackberry starter shoots that already were as tall as my head, but my tomatoes, lettuce and chives are all doing well after transplanting to their new home. Next week I’ll go get pumpkin seedlings and maybe some squash and have some nice big vegetables for fall.

This month I’m working on a new novel. Well, it’s not new to me. I wrote it years ago as a trial to see if I could write romance and put it in a contemporary setting. * insert laughter * Yeah, I can’t write contemporary…. seriously. If there isn’t a monster or a sword or something that crosses deep into fantasy land it’s never going to get finished. Which is exactly what happened. But I love the two main characters so much that I’ve flipped it into a futuristic science fiction romance (probably bordering on thriller) inside the same universe as my dragon fantasy books. This story will be a far-future history of another novel I wrote and the two are probably going to get mashed together. But the point is, I’m finishing the story this time.

So, over the next month I’ll get back into regular posting for the blog, then this fall I’ll start ramping up the new season of Winterviews. If you have anything you particularly enjoy reading on this site, or something you’d like for me to write about, don’t hesitate to shoot me an email.

Cheers and Happy 4th! 🙂

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K.J. Harrowick

Adult Fantasy & Science Fiction Writer. Dragon Lover. Creator of #13Winterviews. #RewriteItClub Co-Host. Red Beer + Black & Blue Burger = ❤️

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