Welcome to The Ready Room, where I explore random topics to help you kick off your week.

This week I’ve had a full plate between English and French work, learning a new writing skill (Reverse Engineering a Plot), registering my middle child for a new school, repotting a bunch of starter plants, moving bushes, and cleaning house as I prepare for my family to invade today for a BBQ.

Okay, they were invited and I’m pretty excited to have them see my new house. But the thought crossed my mind that summer is coming to a close. I love fall—the colors, the smells, pumpkin spice lattes, and all the gloomy rain whispering against the eaves. It’s my favorite time to write, but it also has a stigma attached: icy weather is right around the corner.

As much as I love the transition, I hate to leave summer behind. There’s something wonderful about warm days outside, sun beating down on your skin, and the ability to walk through the garden and pick fresh vegetables. Or a day by the lake to fish or waterski.

I live in Washington State and the summers (when the sun comes out) are gorgeous here. From the right spot you can see two entirely different mountain ranges, or our local volcanos: Mount Baker or Mount Rainier. A short drive can take you to Mount St. Helens, the Olympic Rainforest, or onto the San Juan Islands. Across the mountains is wine country, and dozens of lakes and rivers for rafting or jetskiing. If you like to hike, trails can be found off almost any mountain or country road. My personal favorite is the Shi Shi Trail on the Peninsula, which drops you right onto a wooden plank trail that feels like you’ve stepped through a portal straight onto Myst Island.

As the cooler weather tries to sneak in, don’t forget to enjoy the beauty of the season. Dig your fingers and toes into the soft garden dirt, go explore a new hiking trail to get the creative juices flowing, or stretch out on a blanket with your new favorite book.

Enjoy the sun, because you know what fall means: winter is coming.

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K.J. Harrowick

Adult Fantasy & Science Fiction Writer. Dragon Lover. Creator of #13Winterviews. #RewriteItClub Co-Host. Red Beer + Black & Blue Burger = ❤️

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